Keeping employee wellness at the forefront of your initiatives

May 6, 2022


Employee wellness has likely always been a priority for your organization. In today’s work landscape, however, it’s more important than ever. In fact, a report from SHRM found that 81% of companies offered some type of workplace wellness program in 2020, up from 70% in 2008.

With wellness initiatives on the rise, we’re taking a closer look into the importance of ensuring your employees’ well-being is a primary concern for your business.

What does employee wellness mean?
Employee wellness is essentially the organized activities or systematic interventions offered through companies with the primary goal of providing health opportunities and education — as well as identifying modifiable health risks along the way. These programs give employees the support, tools, incentives and strategies needed to maintain healthy behaviors long-term.

Why is employee wellness important?
While focusing on employee wellness initiatives requires extra time and effort on the part of your organization, it’s inevitably a win-win for both your workforce and your business. With the proper programs in place to keep employees happy and healthy, both parties are likely to see a host of benefits as a result.

The advantages for your workforce

  • Boosted morale: Improved health in your employees is likely to result in higher morale at work. In fact, 70% of employees enrolled in wellness programs reported higher job satisfaction than those not enrolled in the companies’ program, per a 2020 report from Aflac.
  • Improved productivity: A healthier workforce is typically much more productive as well. When employees feel their best, they’re able to perform to their full potential — which is a boon to your bottom line.
  • Greater ability to manage stress: Excess of stress in your workforce can quickly lead to burnout, which has a significant effect on your business. Offering wellness initiatives can help your talent stay healthy and learn how to manage stress more effectively moving forward.
  • Increased feelings of loyalty: Employees value a company that offers sufficient wellness support, which can translate into long-term loyalty to your organization. With employee turnover on the rise, this will be an essential aspect to keep in mind.

How your company benefits as a result
The culmination of these employee benefits is incredibly advantageous for your organization. By keeping the health and happiness of your workforce at the forefront of your initiatives, your business can:

  • Maintain peak performance: With improved productivity and boosted morale throughout your workforce, your company can keep performance high.
  • Reduce absenteeism: Absenteeism is continuing to be an issue for companies, with workers experiencing severe stress and burnout. As these feelings are more effectively managed, your company can expect a significant decrease in absenteeism rates, as well as lower long-term health costs.
  • Increase employee retention: Simply put, happy employees stick around longer. Focusing on the health and happiness of your workforce can keep your retention rates high.

Overall, employing wellness programs can help organizations drive better business results with a workforce that is performing at their maximum potential. However, this requires continuous focus and effort from your organization to see and maintain these results long-term.